Thursday, 16 August 2012

My Life - A-levels

So today was A-level results day and I was one of those who got my results. I got C’s in Creative Writing and Media, and D’s in English language and Photography. I was pleased with the C’s, but very disappointed with the D’s. For the last two years I have worked extremely hard at my A-levels, and today it kind of all felt like a waste of time. I know I still have A-levels and like everyone else says, it’s not the end of the world. But when you don’t get the results you wanted or hoped for, it does feel like the end of the world, and right now I feel extremely disappointed.

The past two years at college have been pretty hard for me. During the summer between leaving school and starting college, I began to drift away from my friends and within the first month of starting college, we had drifted apart. The month after my Grandma was diagnosed with cancer. Throughout the first year of college, my Grandma underwent chemotherapy and I didn’t really have any friends to share it with. To go with that, I pretty much hated college and I skipped a lot of my classes, so much so, I was almost kicked out.
When I started my second year I turned things around, I went to every class and I worked SO hard. I worked really hard on my coursework and I revised loads for my exams. However a few months into my second year at college, my Grandma died. That made things harder. I got quite depressed and I didn’t want to do anything, let alone go to college and work. But I persisted for her. So now, after having worked REALLY hard for my A-levels and not getting what I’d hoped for, it makes it all that more harder. However I am still going to persist and work hard.
A little while after I started college I decided not to go to university. All through school I did want to go, but I really didn’t like college, and I couldn’t see myself being in education for another three to four years, or being in thousands of pounds of debt. I decided it just wasn’t for me. So instead I decided to either get an apprenticeship or go straight into a job.
At the start of my second year I started contacting places and companies to try and make this happen, but they each said one thing. If I wanted a job in journalism I would have to have an NCTJ Diploma in journalism. So I searched everywhere to find out how to get this. I applied at a few places and got in, but I then found a place where I could do this diploma online so it was cheaper, I worked independently and could do it in my own time. So that’s what I’m doing now. I didn’t need certain results to be able to do the course and I can earn money whilst I’m doing it.
So even though right now I feel disappointed and a bit down about my results, I’m not giving up. I will get my dream job of being a journalist and writer.
I’ll keep you updated on how I get on.

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